Introduction: The girl effect -- Emancipating twenty first century slaves -- Fighting slavery from Seattle -- Prohibition and prostitution -- Rescuing girls is the easy part -- Learning to speak up -- The new abolitionists -- Rule by rape -- Mukhtar's school -- The shame of "honor" -- "Study abroad", in the Congo -- Maternal mortality, one woman a minute -- A doctor who treats countries, not patients -- Why do women die in childbirth? -- Edna's hospital -- Family planning and the "God gulf" -- Jane Roberts and her 34 million friends -- Is Islam misogynistic? -- The Afghan insurgent -- Investing in education -- Ann and Angeline -- Microcredit : the financial revolution -- A CARE package for Goretti -- The axis of equality -- Tears over Time magazine -- Grassroots vs treetops -- Girls helping girls -- What you can do -- Four steps you can take in the next ten minutes -- Appendix. Organizations supporting women.