The world of chess ; Secrets of the pawns and knights ; Casting, checkmate, chess engines, draws ; Must-know tactical patterns in chess ; Chess combinations and kings in check ; Checkmate! Back-rank, smothered, and more.-- Checkmate against a castled king ; Legendary attacking greats of chess ; A cascade of short, brutal chess games! ; Chess heroes of the Romantic Age ; Open files and the positional rook ; Pawns : the positional soul of chess --
Positional weaknesses and targets in chess ; Closed and open positions on the chessboard ; Chess statics vs. dynamics : an eternal battle ; Using chessboard imbalances to create plans ; Legendary teachers who transformed chess ; Chess endgames and the king's magical powers. -- Kings and pawns in next-level endgames ; Triangulation and two critical rook endgames ; Chess openings : the right and wrong way ; Chess psychology and the known unknown ; The chess amateur's mind ; Picking a chess hero.